Blogmas Day 3: gift concepts

This isn’t just any type of ol’ gift concepts publish – I’ll focus on gift concepts for the beauty addict – since that’s what I understand best!  There are 2 institutions of believed on gift providing for beauty items: buy practical things that you understand the person utilizes up as well as would want a replenishment.  Or, buy things which perhaps are a bit pointless as well as the person may not buy for herself.  I don’t see any type of problems with either of those strategies, you can even provide a mix from each classifications – so right here are my gift concepts split into: Sensible and Sensational.

I’m not a fan of pre-packaged gift sets – I believe it’s more thoughtful to pick products as well as bundle them together yourself.  I’m going to keep the gift concepts topped to below $100 so it’s realistic!


Shiseido Facial Cotton x6 ($11 each = $66)
I’d be delighted as punch if I got sufficient Shisedo cotton for an entire year!

Beauty Blender sampler (create your own with 2 sponges + cleansing solid = $78)

Clarisonic replacement cleansing heads duo pack $46
I don’t own a Clarisonic however similar to electric toothbrushes, those replacement heads are pricey!

The deal with shop konjac sponge x12 ($5 each = $60)
You’re supposed to utilize a new one each month, now you can!

Clinique bigger considerably different lotion restricted edition 200ml x2 ($47 each = $94)
This is the additional big bottle that’s not normally available.  2 bottles will last most of the year with everyday use.

Mascara Sampler + makeup cleaner ($39 + $20 = $59)
Shoppers medication Mart offers this outstanding Eye Studio Sampler – there are 6 mini mascaras to try very first as well as there’s a voucher inside to redeem for a full size mascara from the assortment.  This year’s set likewise includes a Benefit They’re Real! Push-Up liner (meh).  Bundle this set with a water resistant eye makeup remover – who doesn’t requirement mascara as well as remover?

Now for things that nobody truly needs…


MAC pro combination + eye shadow refills (pan + 6 MAC eye shadows = $85)
I might name one of the myriad of makeup palettes that seem to get released around the holidays however to me, a customizable one is still the best.  An empty MAC pro combination is only $10 as well as the 15 eye shadow insert is $3 – one can purchase either the MAC eye shadow refills at $12 each, or go with less costly choices from makeup Geek ($6 USD each) or Coastal Scents ($1.95 USD each), which likewise in shape the MAC pans.

Benjabelle clean tree + 2pks of clean Guards ($40 + $26 = $66 USD)
I provided my good friend this precise gift as well as she tells me it’s one of the most useful gifts she’s received! nobody truly needs a clean drying apparatus however it’s an elevated drying experience (pun meant )  Check out exactly how I dry my brushes here.

Create your own mix as well as match nail polish set (for the 4 below = $90)
Pick a few joyful colours from spendy brands as well as make your own bit holiday nail polish set, I suggest these:
Butter London Bobby Dazzler (silver chrome) $17
Deborah Lippman Can’t Be Tamed (honey gold glitter) $22
Marc Jacobs Sally (iridescent blackened green) $22
Guerlain Rouge d’Enfer (red crème) $29

Face paint by Lisa Eldridge + Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin ($36 + $20 = $56)
A new makeup book, plus an oldie.  Get more makeup book concepts from here.

Guerlain Meteorites $71
If you can still get your paws on the holiday ones, it’d be super sweet, however I’m sure the routine ones will do just fine!

MAC big clean Roll $60
Any beauty addict worth their salt will have method as well many brushes in their arsenal. A high quality clean roll will assist to transfer as well as store brushes safely as well as securely.

If all else fails, there are gift cards to Sephora, shoppers medication Mart, Hudson’s Bay or even a money card. It’s a bit of a copout however I believe the recipient will be similarly grateful.

Do you prefer getting practical gifts or more Sensational ones?  I personally like getting practical ones… I understand that I’ll always make utilize of what I receive!  What are your tried as well as true gift concepts for the beauty addict?

This is a partnership topic for Blogmas – be sure to inspect out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their gift ideas:
♥ Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
♥ Kaily του Hello Kaily
♥ Sharon of Sharon Beauty Prime

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