Bonjour, Madame! The Guerlain Gloss d’Enfer Maxi shines in Madame Batifole, Madame Flirte and Madame Fascine have arrived

wearing Guerlain 861 Madame Flirte Gloss d’Enfer Maxi shine ($30), one of three new limited edition shades in the Voilette de Madame fall 2013 Collection
Once certain lines get crossed, there’s just no turning back.

Like when you try the ultra soft toilet paper for the first time or make the jump from average pet owner to crazy cat Lady.


Or when strangers stop calling you “miss” and start calling you “ma’am.”

Yup…I’m a ma’am now.

It’s okay, I guess, but I think I like “madame” better… sounds more chic.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Case in point: the three new Gloss d’Enfer Maxi shines from the Guerlain Voilette de Madame fall 2013 Collection ($30).

Gloss d’Enfer Maxi shines in 861 Madame Flirte (a sparkling red), 860 Madame Batifole (a sparkling fuchsia) and 863 Madame Fascine (a sparkling deep purple)
All of them madames with regal, refined names, they definitely don’t sound like their apartments are furnished with castaway pieces bought secondhand from stoner grad students on Craigslist (been there, done that). No, these madames probably own complete sets of Le Creuset pots and pans.

Swatches from the left: 861 Madame Flirte, 860 Madame Batifole and 863 Madame Fascine
And these three limited edition lipglosses have more in common than their names. all of them also tint lips with sheer, shiny color.

Fuchsia 860 Madame Batifole, sparkling red 861 Madame Flirte and deep purple 863 Madame Fascine look dark and intimidating in their tubes, but they’re completely drama-free. Each one applies as a gentle wash of color, no mirror necessary, either.

What else should you know?

Lightweight, smooth and non-sticky, these feel a lot like Chanel Aqualumiere glosses to me (which is great!).

The flocked doe-foot applicator makes precise application easy.

The rose flavor and scent lingers as long as the formula lasts on my lips, which is about two hours.

These look super sparkly in their tubes, but the shimmer isn’t very noticeable on my lips until I walk outside, where they really sparkle in full sunlight.

I like that these are sheer enough that I can still see my natural lip color peeking through, yet they’re also pigmented enough to each look distinct on my lips.

If I had to pick a fave, I’d choose red Madame Flirte. Of the three, I think it brightens my face the most.

860 Madame Batifole
863 Madame Fascine

Methinks these glosses will probably appeal most to die-hard Guerlain fans who love the look of semi-sheer color and high-end lipgloss lovers looking for a fun layering gloss that feels comfortable and moisturizing.


I do like these, but they’re pricey for the level of pigment they contain, and as far as splurges go, I find myself drawn to the limited edition Rouge G lipsticks from the same launch even more. While these are definitely luxurious, I figure, if you’re going to pay upwards of $30 for a lip product, you might as well get plenty of pigment and heart-stopping packaging that brings you to your knees.

PRICE: $30 each
AVAILABILITY: limited edition; available now at Guerlain counters and coming soon online
MAKEUP and beauty blog RATING: B/B+

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