Avon Calling – June 2016

I’ve fallen into the trap of ordering Avon again. They’ve got the cycle down pat: when I get my items, they always include the latest Avon catalogue – as well as of course, I always flip with the catalogues – who doesn’t like to look with a mini magazine of makeup? right here are my recent orders:

I ordered these in may as well as got them when I returned from my trip.

Ideal luminous blush in Earthen Rose, as well as Heavenly Pink – $5.99 each

These are ripe for a depotting! Soooo much wasted packaging on these.  These are well reviewed as well as you understand that I’m a sucker for blushes.

Eyeshadow primer – $3.99
Extra lasting eyeshadow Ink in totally Taupe, permanently Bronze $4.99 each

The primer has great evaluations online, as well as if I end up disliking it, I will just utilize this as my primer for swatching.  The Eyeshadow Inks are likewise well reviewed – I hope they last on my lids. These, together with all of the makeup items, are made in China.

Elements Skin Revitalize 2-in-1 Brightening Eye Roller – $9.99

This thing vibrates! I’ve been on the search for a replacement for the discontinued Mary Kay eye roller.

Perfumed liquid deodorant – $2.89

It’s an aluminum-free choice as well as has great evaluations on the internet – seems a bit untidy to utilize though, however hey, for $3 I’ll provide it a whirl.

Mega impacts mascara – $7.99
SuperShock Brights Mascara in Violet Shock – $5.99

I got the Mega impacts mascara mainly out of curiosity! This configuration of the bristles look like a medieval abuse gadget – have you SEEN this thing? Βλέπω:

 The other mascara I got to try out a coloured mascara – it seems to be a pattern right now. I nearly got the royal Shock which is a bright blue however I believe I’d get more utilize out of the purple one, which is more subtle.

Anew Power Serum – $12.99

There was an offer in the catalogue to buy this serum at a greatly reduced cost (the routine cost of this is $40) if I spent over $10 in makeup. I did some on the internet research study as well as it’s decently reviewed by Paula’s Choice.

I only buy Avon products on sale, so there’s that. I told the Avon woman that I’m not looking at the new catalogue, in really hopes I’ll break the cycle!
Are you an Avon fan? have you tried any type of of these items?

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Σαν αυτό:
Όπως η φόρτωση …

Σχετιζομαι με

Random makeup haul: Shoppers, Rexall, Faces, etcBy now you’re ill of my hauls, right?  I’m sorry, however you recognize January was NO HOLDS BARRED month, as well as I just came off a yearlong dry spell, so every makeup product looked mighty tempting.  This is the LAST of the January hauls (until I get the products I ordered…
February 9, 2016In “Beauty”

Το καλύτερο από το 2016 ανακαλύψεις και εδώ είναι – όπως μπορείτε να φανταστείτε, προσπαθώντας να περιορίσετε τα καλύτερα προϊόντα ήταν δύσκολο! Αυτά τα προϊόντα είναι νέα για μένα, ωστόσο, ενδέχεται να μην είναι νέες εισαγωγές το 2016. Επίσης, αυτά τα προϊόντα μπορεί να μην είναι απαραιτήτως απόλυτα “ιερό grail” όλων των εποχών – είναι ακριβώς το καλύτερο από …
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26 Οκτωβρίου 2016in “Ομορφιά”

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