Saturday Surfing, Nov. 16th, 2019

Mmm… All the yums…
Happy Caturday, my friend!

One of the perks of adulting 24/7 is that you can actively pursue unapproved, unsanctioned frivolous endeavors, like purchasing yourself an introduction calendar from Trader Joe’s and opening everything at once WEEKS before the actual holiday officially starts!


Having the freedom to do things like this practically — practically — makes up for having to deal with people stealing your vehicle parking spot. Or, for having to pay the bills. Για πάντα.

(Kinda sorta. Not really.)

Quick TJ’s introduction calendar update

I’ve been using a few of the things from my new 12 Days of charm calendar this week, and all I have to say is, “HELLO, YUM-YUMS,” because everything I’ve tried so far smells like food!


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Delicious-smelling delights are to be found in the…

Blueberry & Acai Facial Scrub: This smells exactly like a fresh blueberry smoothie, and the grains are the ideal level of “scrubiness,” in that they aren’t too aggressively gritty or too unhelpfully gentle.

Warm Vanilla Body Butter: The scent of hella bougie vanilla extract will follow you around for hours when you slather this thick, moisturizing butter on your bod.
I need an XXL size tub of this ASAP.

Brown Sugar Scrub: how numerous people are singing D’angelo to themselves when they use this in the shower I wonder? Hmm… It’s very moisturizing (watch out, though, because it makes the bottom of the bathtub slippery after you rinse off), and the sugar grains are substantial. It smells like freshly baked sugar cookies.

Rose Facial Oil: This scent of this light, yet hydrating, face oil takes me back to my childhood, when my pals and I would roll up to the Asian store and purchase French rose pastille hard candies!

If you live near a TJ’s, I recommend grabbing one for yourself (and the ladies in your life) ASAP. It’s sooooo good, you guys.

Anywho…since it’s Caturday and all, Rosie Posie wanted to say a quick “meow” from her own personal fainting couch, which is also known as “Connor’s big girl bed.”

These girls have the cutest bedtime ritual. Every night, best before bed, Rosie hangs around and listens while I sing Connor her goodnight lullabies and read her a book. Then, when I turn off the light and leave the room, Rosie hops on the bed and stays with Connor till she falls asleep.

Every day I learn a little much more about Rosie and fall much more in love.

On that note, here’s this week’s reading…

This reusable $7 charm spatula is developed to scrape out every last morsel of goodness from your charm products. ΘΕΛΩ!

The best drugstore primers, according to makeup artists

16 under-the-radar skincare products beloved by dermatologists

*The* must-have charm item that active members of the military always pack when they’re deployed might surprise you.

What to do when you try a new product and your skin freaks-the-eff out

Red lipstick superstars under $10

Allegedly, these half-sized Christmas trees avoid curious kitties from attacking ornaments, but I’m pretty sure Tabs would’ve still found a way to destroy one…

How to use charm products that you probably have sitting around your house to remover stickers from books!

Who, exactly, is Estée Laundry?

I’m so ready.

Pecan or pumpkin pie?


Note to self

Don’t believe me, just watch.

Βήμα βήμα


What’s on your plate for today? I hope you’re doing at least a little something for yourself, and I hope it feeds your soul.

Η φιλική γοητεία της γειτονιάς σας,


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