The Guerlain spring glow 2016 Collection: For ladies (and Lords) who love luminous looks

You know what? Eff it! Let’s play hooky this afternoon. Whatdya say?

ΕΛΑ! Ας το κάνουμε. The sun’s out; we could drive into the city, go to the Japanese Tea Gardens, walk around, check out the cherry blossoms, have a cup of tea and watch the pink petals glide in the wind… Doesn’t that sound nice?


I would love that, actually, and by the way, I’ll be wearing the Guerlain spring glow 2016 collection, because this collection is all about that laid-back spring lifestyle.

No, not like you’re hiking up a mountain or, like, parasailing or doing X games. more like just enjoying a sunny day outside at the park, or kicking it in the city with your girlfriends.

Highlights from the Guerlain spring glow 2016 collection…

A few pieces from the Guerlain spring glow 2016 collection

In this collection, “luminosity” is the word du jour. It’s just a happy, uplifting collection with touches of pink, gold and khaki. I’m feelin’ it…except for the prices.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

I mean, yeah, it’s Guerlain, so it’s about a million miles from “bargain” or “drugstore,” but $179 for a powder compact? That’s Rick-sanity, yo! (Side note: The walking Dead returns February 14. happy Valentine’s, yay!).

Guerlain Météorites Voyage exceptional Compacted Pearls Of Powder ($179)

Guerlain Météorites Voyage exceptional Compacted Pearls Of Powder ($179)
Yes, you read that right — this compact is really $179. At first I thought that was a typo because, honestly, why?

Like, OK…I get it. It looks and feels luxe. The packaging exudes elegance, and it has a gravitas and heft to it. It’s also refillable, and I like the combination of color-correcting, brightening colors — the pink, purple, green, beige and white — which are all billed as “universally flattering.”

I do see it — a bit of brightening, sort of that subtle Guerlain glow. The effect is defintely not super obvious, but that’s great here. I think it’s very pretty.

But $179 pretty?? I dunno… That’s a bit much. I think you can get a similar, and also lovely, effect with the $45 hourglass Ambient Powders.

So, basically…this one’s a splurge.

Guerlain Météorites Primer($74)

Guerlain Météorites primer ($74)
Now, as for the Météorites primer ($74), it reminds me of BECCA’s Backlight. They have a very similar texture — both on the thinner side — and feel more like moisturizers than like thick silicone primers (like the one by Smashbox).

They also blur my pores in much the same way. Like, I can tell there’s something going on there, but my face doesn’t look spackled beyond belief. Both also add a subtle luminosity, but I think Guerlain’s product does a better job of keeping my oily areas from turning into oil slicks.

I like this one a lot, but if you need real-deal pore-blurring power, you’ll probably have to layer another primer on top; this alone may not be enough for you.

If, however, you just kinda want a little extra blur and glow, it’s a lovely, albeit spendy, option.

Ω! — and it also helps my foundation apply more smoothly.

Rose Aux Joues blush Duo Smile blush ($62)

Guerlain rose Aux Joues blush Duo Smile blush ($62)
I also like the Smile Duo blush (of course I do). The darker side is actually the blush, and the lighter side is a highlighter, but you can always mix the two, which is what I do… Hey, I just made a rhyme!

I really like this particular pink. It’s bright, flushed and looks healthy, you know? — so not like those dolls with the bright pink circles on their cheeks, even though I recognize that it looks like it might apply that way…but it doesn’t. It’s much more natural-looking than I expected, despite the fact that it contains a lot of pigment. I use a single layer, which I end up buffing down, and that’ll last me all day.

Ecrin 1 Coueleur enjoy Long-Lasting Eyeshadow ($34)

Guerlain Ecrin 1 Coueleur enjoy Long-Lasting Eyeshadow ($34)
And then there’s this eyeshadow single… You might really enjoy this one…

Χαχα! get it? See where it says “Enjoy” on the pan?

You might like this one if you’re into yellow golds. like the blush, it’s much more pigmented than I expected, and it lasts a long time, too. I wore it the other day, and after eight hours (I used an eyeliner as a base), it had barely budged.

Le Crayon Yeux in Blackjack and Khaki driver ($31 each)

Guerlain Le Crayon Yeux Water resistant Long-Lsating Khol Liners ($31 each) in Blackjack (left) and Khaki driver (right)
The collection also features five water-resistant kohl liners that are soft and smudgy like most kohl liners, which are probably my favorite eye pencil formula because of how generally comfy and non-drying they are on my lash and water lines (unlike gels), but these are redonkulously pigmented and slippery (like a gel).

They’re interesting… I get about 10 minutes to work with them before they fullyσειρά.

Μου θυμίζουν το Silkier Chanel Twist-up Stylo Yeux Liners (η βόλτα μου ή η πεθάνησή μου!). Θα διαρκέσουν τουλάχιστον οκτώ ώρες στις γραμμές μου, αλλά βρίσκω τον εαυτό μου να πρέπει να τους εφαρμόσω ξανά μετά από περίπου έξι ώρες στις γραμμές νερού μου.

Kisskiss κραγιόν ($ 37 το καθένα)

Με την ευκαιρία, υπάρχουν και μερικά από τα $ 37 κραγιόν της Kisskiss σε αυτή την εκτόξευση, αλλά δεν τα έχω δει κοντά και προσωπικά ακόμα. Υπάρχει ένα ανοιχτό ροζ που ονομάζεται Darling Baby (371) και ένα ελαφρύ φούξια που ονομάζεται όλο το ροζ (372). Σε αυτές τις φωτογραφίες, φορώ μια σκιά Oldie Kisskiss που ονομάζεται Pinky Groove 364.


Έτσι, όσον αφορά τις εξαιρετικά εξωφρενικές συλλογές μακιγιάζ, τι νομίζετε; Δείτε κάτι εδώ πραγματικά, πραγματικά όπως;

Ο φιλικός φίλος σας ομορφιάς γειτονιάς,


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